Thursday, December 4, 2014

So the past few weeks have been some of the most extreme of my life.

I traveled to San Antonio for my 2 and a half weeks of FOH training for my MIT program. What an awesome cafe. Great management staff and the location was pretty spectacular. It was oddly cold (30s) so that was interesting to deal with and live through.

Now I'm grounding out at Hard Cafe Miami. I've been there for about a week and a half and have been submerged in all that needs to be done there. Looking forward to the challenge and laughing along the way.

We could be heroes.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

So far I have completed 2 1/2 days of my MIT program. I've been mostly working in Prep/BOH and it is now I realize I really knew nothing. haha. They do so much work back there it's unreal.

Diced and Sliced

Thursday, October 16, 2014

So; It happened.

I received word last Wednesday, Oct 8th of my official offer for the Ops Manager position I had been working toward. I wanted to hear between Oct 1-10th, though I didn't expect such a literal manifestation since it took about that long for the phone interviews etc. But I will be starting the MIT program on Tuesday, October 21st. I'm training with Randy in the BOH at the Hollywood, FL location until I go to SAN ANTONIO!!! :) !!! for 2 1/2 weeks to train there a little on a different side of FOH! I'm so stoked. After my stint in Texas I will return to South Florida and finish up my training in Miami and my life will be forever changed.

So happy for how far I've come in these years with the brand. Excited for the future. Grateful for my friends and family I've met along the way. Here we goooo...

Friday, September 12, 2014

You have to learn to accept that not everyone can go where you're going. And that's okay.
But you can't hold yourself back to witness someone else. The donation of time can not be at the cost of you living your own best life.
This life is not about checkpoints and settling for what you get by a certain amount of time. It's about going for what you really want. Not what someone else told you that you need to have by a certain day or a select age; But going for what drives your soul outside of your body so that you feel like this World is made for your taking. Because it is.
I always say I'll write more, so far no honoring my word. haha.
Well maybe.
I guess that's a perception based ideal. More in the form of quantity vs quality?
I can always find a justification. haha.

Work is consistent. I've been doing my best, putting in the hours, making the money, forming the corporate spiels. We'll see if it all pays off.
I'm trying to manifest a Oct 1-10th promotion. I would prefer an answer around that time.
It will give me the time I need to plan where I want to live after our lease in Sheridan Lake ends.

I'm still focused on getting my own place. For a moment Sam and I thought we found a suitable arrangement but the urban aspect of the place made us realize it was really too good to be true at the price point.

So I've been dreaming...
A nice condo, overlooking the water, or at least my open balcony would.
A spacious but not overdone Kitchen, leading into a professional living room that only hides my dreamy bedroom from the entertaining space.
Dreams are Prayers, Prayers are Dreams. I'm hoping the space between lifts soon and becomes a reality. I work hard and I want this.

I want to travel to Paris for my 30th birthday. Another gift to myself that I'd remember always.

So many presents for the soon-to-be present.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

“Think you're escaping and run into yourself. Longest way round is the shortest way home.”- James Joyce