You hear little voices everywhere, "Live your dream" ... "Do what you're passionate about." Perhaps I take motivational quotes a little too literally sometimes but I've found that following my instinct has led me to some of the most extraordinary places in the World, or well so far in the USA. In a time like Today, it's easy to listen to media and harsh criticisms leading you to become fearful of the unknown. Travel appears less affordable and more dangerous, or maybe less comfortable and more of an inconvenience - But just like anything, Travel is what you make it. I'm a creature of comfort, don't get me wrong... but I've found that "everything you want is just outside your comfort zone." I love getting out there and finding new places to educate me on lifestyle and things I knew nothing about. I plan on continuing living my dream and sharing it so that I can hopefully lead you to a place you learn to love.
Beauty. Adventure. Food. These are the things I'm passionate about, Here goes everything.